Care Finders
In January 2023 CESPHN established a network of care finders to support vulnerable older people connecting to aged care services and other supports in the community. The Royal Commission recognised there was a cohort of people falling through the cracks for various reasons, and the care finder program has been designed to fill this gap and where possible prevent this vulnerable group from missing out on access to aged care support and other important services.
The CESPHN care finder network consists of 10 experienced providers with extensive knowledge of the aged care system and local service landscape. Some of these organisations have transitioned from the former Assistance with Care and Housing Program, to have a focus on working with older Australians who are homeless/at risk of homelessness.
Since the service commenced in January 2023, CESPHN care finders have provided assistance to 550 vulnerable older people in our region. Care finders have supported these clients to learn about aged care and other supports in the community and have helped these clients to apply for, set up, and receive, aged care, housing support, and other relevant health and community services. Feedback to date from those receiving assistance from care finders has been extremely positive, with many clients confirming that the service and support has improved their quality of life.