Health Profile
The CESPHN region has a generally better health profile than the rest of Australia. Our obesity rates are lower, smoking rates lower, we drink less standard drinks per day than in the rest of Australia, we exercise more and suffer less mental health distress. However we have many areas where there is room for improvement. These include childhood immunisation rates, rates of cancer screening and rates of sexually transmissible infections.
Approximately 16,225 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons reside in CESPHN region. We have 13,000 people experiencing homelessness and 70,000 people needing help with core activities. More than 40% of us were born overseas and almost 50% of us speak a language other than English in our homes. About 18% of all same sex couples in Australia live in our region. We have a higher life expectancy than the National average, significantly less avoidable deaths and less cancer diagnoses.