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Annual Report 2022/23


GROW training sessions:


sessions to 86 attendees


CPD events to 259 attendees


service navigation enquiries

CESPHN’s Primary Care Enhancement Program (PCEP), Project GROW has developed a comprehensive program to support GPs and practice staff caring for people with intellectual disability. The Commonwealth funded pilot program has received ongoing interest in education and support offerings and has recently developed a Quality Improvement Framework to support GP practices to proactively support the preventative health needs of people with intellectual disability.  

In addition to training and support for primary care clinicians, Project GROW extended training and support to the disability sector to improve how general practice is accessed by people with intellectual disabilities and their supporters. The GROW team hosted 46 attendees at two training workshops in May and June, and there has been overwhelming interest from the sector for health education and training to continue.  

“The opportunity to have a workshop where a GP’s perspective is highlighted within disability discussion is so enlightening! I learnt more from this session than I did from all of our internal organisational training combined.”

Disability Group Home Team Leader

“Following the GROW In-Practice Training, our practice has started to proactively identify our patients with intellectual disability. We’ve embedded processes to support reasonable adjustments and better accommodate the communication needs of these patients.”

Practice Manager, GP Practice in Campsie