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Annual Report 2022/23

Continuing Professional Development


CPD event attendances in 2022–2023


Our recordings of 70 CPD webinar events on YouTube attracted 15,707 views


peer group learning sessions were run


dedicated COVID-19 updates with attendance by over 625 primary health care providers


CPR sessions


clinical education sessions events with for primary health care providers

Our Continuing Professional Development program has grown from strength to strength.  We continue to offer a wide range of professional development and workforce development and training opportunities on a broad range of topics aligned to local health needs for primary health care professionals.  

New CPD requirements for doctors began at the start of 2023. The CPD team worked closely with our GP facilitators, education committees, and partner organisations to develop activities that met the new requirements and incorporated opportunities for fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. We also worked hard to inform GPs about these requirements and to support them to achieve their required hours of education.  

The CESPHN education program consists of continuing professional development activities, Peer Group Learning, paediatric case discussions, in-practice training in domestic and family violence, The GROW project, nurse education, cultural awareness training and commissioned training.  

The majority of events are run as online webinars, this format is the preferred method for event attendees, we have also returned to face to face events, which allows for opportunities to network and connect with peers, experts, and industry leaders, hands-on practical sessions and interactive discussions with specialists. Our Antenatal Share Care updates in partnership with the Royal Hospital for Women have been run as a hybrid event for the second year in a row. 

The Peer Group Learning (PGL) program continued to provide another professional development avenue in 2022/23. This learning format promotes a more in-depth understanding of a topic and allows health professionals to share their own experiences and knowledge with peers in a small group environment. 

The PGL Program is popular with many GPs returning to partake in the program, year on year, and it was nice to see lots of new doctors join the program. A total of 215 GPs were enrolled in the program in 18 groups. 117 sessions were run with 39 of these online and 78 face to face.  

Thank you to our speakers, attendees, education committees, partnering organisations and sponsors for their support in delivering a successful program. We look forward to building upon this success in the coming year and are excited to explore new opportunities. 

“Your resources are great and really help us understand how to get those more elusive CPD points. I really like the very practical examples you give.”